Baby lost her cord so she got her first bath last night.
Baby is beginning to smile at times that I don't think can be attributed to gas.
Baby has stopped sleeping so well at night.
Micah will only have to be in a long cast for 3 more weeks.
Hyrum has begun pitching fits that rival anything on "Supernanny."
Lily has entered the "I'm-nine-going-on-14" stage.
Tucker is stressing every minute about when his ACT score will get here and if he'll get into BYU.
Heidi calls with stresses from Idaho that I can't do anything about. (Nothing, that is, except stew and wonder all night while I'm up with a sleepless baby.)
Ben is still playing football but has also begun wrestling.
I've been sicker than sick with a head cold for the last two days. Lack of real sleep doesn't help that much, either.
Don't dwell on any of that.
We need something mindless. Something trivial. Something fun.
Ah--reality TV update. That's the ticket.
I'm watching "Dancing with the Stars," but none too faithfully. Glad Aaron Carter is gone. Somehow he just didn't do it for me. And Kelly Osborne better be next. I agreed with the judges. That futuristic dance by Derek and Joanna was spectacular. Still not fully committed, but I am entertained.

Finally, finally finally. Last week was the first week that I really thought, "I can't wait until next week!" The merge really brought about some interesting dynamics. Will they get Russell this week? I can't wait to see what happens! But I still don't have a favorite to win. Maybe Dave? His "favorite sport" comment cracked me up!

The previews made me think that I'd hate this episode, what with the return of the rolling hay bales. I WAS WRONG! It was very entertaining to watch Sam and Dan fall apart under the pressure from the challenge. And I LOVED that it was a non-elimination leg. The Montana farmers are quickly inching up my favorites list. To see that Dad work and work for over two hours and see how his son admired him for the effort--truly inspiring television. Not formulaic or predictable. And he was rewarded for his efforts. But I gotta say, Flight Time and Big Easy are my boys! They just seem to understand that it's a race, and it's supposed to be fun. Here's hoping team Zebra is the next to go.
Thanks for letting me decompress.
Back to reality.
Never mind. It's Thursday night. Survivor at 7 pm!
I remember how hard those first months with a new baby are...and I'm not surprised that Hyrum is letting you know his angst.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you about Nick being kicked of DWTS. And yes, Kelly should be next!
I am visiting my grandchildren right now...Actually, I'm babysitting while everyone else is over at the new house painting. It is pretty crazy here with everything packed up in boxes all around the perimeters and sometimes in the middle of the rooms...with nowhere to play...and no plates or dishes or food to speak of. A challenge!
But oh, they are so cute, Jen!
PS. Hope Eve gets sleeping better soon. Mine always seemed to come out of that new baby sleep stage and give me fits for a few weeks and then start sleeping again at three months. I NEED my sleep, so sometimes I encouraged them along a bit... ;)
Well THANKS for giving Amazing Race and DWTS away, now I know the outcome. UGH! Justkidding, my own fault for never getting around to watching. However, you do know, I loves me some globe trotters, they ARE the reason for watching. And I agree, TIME for meany pants Miss America to go home! Sorry you've been sick, hope you're feeling better soon.
ReplyDeleteI was glad to see Aaron Carter go home too. There's just something about him, he wasn't my favorite. Yeah, excited about the merge on Survivor, interested it what is coming next. And Amazing Race, I'm actually looking forward to next week, because of the little clip about candleabras. Thought that was pretty funny!
ReplyDeleteSorry, it's tough right now. I wish I knew how to make life easier all the time and still learn and grow the way I need to. Hopefully just writing about it helped. I know sometimes I just need to vent and then I can dig back in!
PS You'll have to read our good news on my blog!
I have to tell you I chuckled at your comment on my blog. After Claire arrived I realized I had forgotten what it really means to be sleep-deprived. It had been six years since I'd had a newborn and all you remember in that long a break are the sweet cuddles and the wonder of a new baby. You totally forget about becoming a crazy zombie. I don't know how you are even functioning, especially with a cold. This is my first baby to sleep through the night this early and I think it's because I have a Miracle Blanket. Best swaddling blanket I've ever seen. It definitely lived up to the name! I would happily loan you one of mine if you want to see if it helps. Enjoy your TV and I hope you get some rest soon!!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry that you are sick. I saw you out walking your sweet baby last night and wondered if you were ok? I hope everything calms down for you soon!
ReplyDeleteBeing sick and sleep deprived is not a good combination. Hope your recovery is quick! Last night's survivor was fantastic,,,won't give it away, but hope you enjoy it! And our favorite team is definitely Flight Time and Big Easy, they are fabulous. And "Team Zebra"--ugh! She is ridiculously annoying, and I really hope they don't get a lucky break this week. I really enjoy the father son team from Montana also, I love that the dad helped his son dye his hair pink, bet that was a new thing for him.