Friday, November 6, 2009

This Post Is for Heidi and Grandma

And anyone else who wants an update on Baby Eve. They're just the people who ask for the most pictures!
Just after Grandma Janie gave her a bath. She is the calmest baby ever. She NEVER cries. Even when she wakes in the night to eat, she will patiently wait until her pants have been changed. And she rarely if ever spits up, so she smells as sweet as she looks.

She is also very observant, and she loves to look around and see what is going on. And around here, that's a lot to see!

And did I mention that she's sleeping every night from 10 pm until around 3 or 3:30? That is a sweet girl, right there. And she's the first baby I've had since Heidi that really doesn't like a pacifier. Maybe five minutes a day, but she thinks it's yucky most of the time. Grandma Janie has started calling her "Lady Bird," since her mouth is always open and rooting but never occupied for long!

What has Hyrum been up to, you ask? Glad you asked!
Mostly just being a big brother, but he still gets plenty of attention since both grandmas have been here.

Don't forget to comment on Wednesday's post to be entered in my giveaway.

Epiphany #101--Few are the friends that you can sit and cry with in your nightgown.

Thanks, Karen.


  1. What sweet pics of little Eve. I'm SO glad and happy for you that she's such a sweet and calm baby. Goodness knows you deserve such things.

  2. I am honored to be counted in that few!! Love ya!

  3. I can hardly stand to be this far away and not see every growing minute. Thanks for the pictures; it helps.

    I'm glad Hyrum is still enjoying being big brother.

  4. Eve is a delight. Seriously. I wish I could hold her and smell that sweet baby smell.


    PS. And her sleeping is out of this world. What a great baby to get for your last one.

  5. Heaveny Father must know we need easy babies when he sends number eight. She's gorgeous!

  6. That is soo cute! I love the pictures just as much! Glad she is a good baby...she would have to be with all the other kidos running around! It's kind of crazy to me to think we both just had babies!

  7. See, Mom? I really do read your blog! :)

    I'm so excited you put up pictures!! Keep em' coming! I can't wait until Thanksgiving when I can actually hold her! And just so you know, I claim all rights to tote her around as much as I want! No "you'll spoil her" comments, either... Love you!
