Saturday, February 28, 2015

February Heart Beat

February has been a month of turmoil for me.

So many decisions.

So, so many decisions.

Cabin design, allergies, graduation. 
Is it really time to reserve my robes?

Sick kids, busy kids, confused kids. 
Is this the best choice for them?

Housework, schoolwork, future work. 
Is there something more for me out there?

My heart has been full of busyness, yet it has lacked gratitude and focus. I don't know exactly where the paths are leading right now, and that disquiet makes me uncomfortable.

Patience. Persistence. Perseverance.

One day at a time.
One decision at a time.

In my heart, I will know what I need to do.


  1. I just want to repeat your words back to you - Patience. Persistence. Perseverance.
    It's hard to remember, but you need to take care of yourself, else the worry, concern and decision-making for others will take its toll on you.
    From one who knows!......stay well!

  2. We don't get to write ALL of our story, but we do get to add content and purpose--you've got this, Jen!

  3. reminds me of a quote in my kitchen by eleanor roosevelt: do what you feel in your heart to be right--for you'll be criticized anyway.
