Just a few snippets from Day one in the cell:
Cute, sassy hair is great for daily life. Cute, sassy hair is not great for the bedridden. It's layered so much in the back that most of the time it just sticks straight up! I've been wishing for a ponytail!
Natalie asked about a resolution to my deoderant dilhemma. I thought I'd found an easy solution--Secret Flawless. But I was waiting for the first taste of AZ summer to truly put it to the test. I found my answer on Sunday. For Easter, I played for a string quartet (their cellist is a gifted young woman named Heidi Denton, who is much better than she gives herself credit for)to accompany a gifted soprano (she's one of my Laurels, and I love her dearly). We did "O Divine Redeemer." Every single part of that arrangement is difficult. As we practiced before sacrament meeting, I realized that Secret Flawless will probably not be able to rise to the challenge of AZ heat. If it can't beat piano-performing nerves, it'll never beat 120 degrees. The song, on the other hand, was flawless, and I've never participated in a more spiritually moving number in my life. So glad I got to play before being banished to the bedroom!
Karen--I've taken your challenge for my down-time. And I've made it 2/3 of the way through Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone. You're right. So much better this time through, without all the pressure of wanting to know what's going to happen!
My dear friend Marva popped in for a visit this morning. Just love her. She and her husband are serving an extended mission at BYU-I, and they make it back occasionally. I loved spending the morning with her! It made the time pass so much more quickly. If any of you are in the neighborhood, . . . . Micah can usually answer the door for me!
One of the great joys of being in bed is control of the TV remote. I'm catching up on all the back episodes of "Divine Design." Just love Candace Olsen. She rocks! But it does make me want to get out of bed and rearrange some stuff . . .
Speaking of TV, it's American Idol night! And it's one show that I really cannot bear to watch live. It has too much filler for my liking. But I was ever so grateful to Sue for posting Adam's performance last week. Does anyone have a chance of touching him this season? I mean, seriously.

And Jamie, one of your simple pleasures struck a chord with me. Peanut M&Ms minus the peanut. Must agree with you. Almost as good as that--Hershey's candy-covered chocolate eggs. Maybe you can find some on clearance at Target. They are a joy!

Last but not least, my latest book. Two words: completely overrated. Couldn't wait for it to be over, complete disinterest in the characters, to quote Simon Cowell: indulgent. Wouldn't even have finished reading it if it wasn't a bookclub choice. My advice: don't waste your time, and don't believe the reviews. UGH!
The only relatable line in the whole book: "The infirm always wait, and know it." That's where I am: waiting to hear from friends (in person and in cyberspace), waiting for Brad to come home, waiting to see what's for dinner, waiting for the dishwasher repairman, waiting for Baby.
Epiphany #65--Knowing doesn't make waiting any easier.
Epiphany #65--Knowing doesn't make waiting any easier.
Hang in there, Jen! This too shall pass...albeit far too slowly, I suspect.
ReplyDeleteThanks for warning me off the "peace" book. I never like getting a clunker if I can help it.
Have you read Lord of the Rings lately? That'll certainly transport you to distant places. And have you ever read Mary Stewart's trilogy about Merlyn? Crystal Cave, etc. etc. They are excellent. I'd probably be reading stuff like Rosamunde Pilcher too, since it takes me away to places I like. And if you haven't checked out Georgette Heyer, this is the time. Witty and fun. Just perfect for the bedridden.
Wish I lived closer so I could stop by...but know that I am with you in spirit.
LOVE your ephiphany...so true.
ReplyDeleteSpiritually moving number before being sent to bed...beautiful!
Thanks for the book review. It was on my list of "To Read"s, now I can cross it off.
I'm so with you on AI..can NOT watch it live. And, I agree, no one can touch Lambert.
Too bad about the Secret Flawless...what about the ones for sale on Ebay?
Wish I could drop by and have Micah open the door for me. But I, like Sue, am with you in spirit!
Sounds like you made day one without too much trouble. Hang in there -- it won't last forever, even if it feels like it might.
ReplyDeleteI *loved* Peace Like a River. I read it about six years ago, and then again recently. It is one of my all-time favorite books. Maybe I just like my books over-written ;)
Keep reading and keep your spirits up.
I too am a HUGE Candace Olson fan. That woman is genius. I've heard both sides on the book, those that love it and those that hate it. I personally think it looks lame. So, thanks for confirming that.
ReplyDeleteREFUSE to watch AI in real time, 'cause seriously, I can only take so much Ryan, Randy and Paula. Love Adam, can't wait to see what he does tonight.
Can't wait 'til Jer is home and a little more mobile. We'll all come over and you two can convalesce together and I'll play Mom patrol. Maggie and Brooklyn will enjoy the space to "roam".
Hang in there. Sure love ya!
Peace like a river is one of my favorite books of all time. SEriously.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing you are stuck in bed and it's messing with your mind, or I'd have a thing or two to say to you.