Monday, October 26, 2015

An Anonymous Witness

Stream of consciousness post today.

Date night movie.

Saw "Bridge of Spies." Great movie. Highly recommend.

Got in the car, discussing the movie.

Turned onto the freeway from the parking lot, headed to the grocery store before picking up Lily and heading home.

Brake lights and congestion ahead of us on the onramp.

Three cars in varying stages of disarray. Two small cars and a white Tahoe. The Tahoe is stopped in a strange, lopsided fashion, nose pointed at a weird angle.

Pedestrians on the freeway, frantically shining phone lights to divert traffic around the scene.

Passed the accident before first responders arrived.

A young woman lifting a small dark-haired girl to sit on the retaining wall. She looked about Eve's age.

What is that on the ground?

White pants. Purple shirt. Or was it pink?

Arms and legs outstretched, unnatural and unmoving.

Flashing lights enter the freeway and zoom past us to the scene.

And with that, we were past.

Fifteen minutes later, I had Lily in my arms, hugging her tight and admonishing her to always wear a seat belt. Up until a few years ago, I admittedly wasn't the strictest mom about seat belts, but I've become much more vigilant. After witnessing that accident, I've vowed to be even more so.

It's been two days now, and I can't get the images out of my mind. What happened?
Who was at fault? Did the woman die? Was that her small daughter carried to the side of the road? Her granddaughter? Is that family standing vigil bedside in a local hospital? Are they picking out casket flowers?

Life is so unpredictable and often too short. Hug those you love close today. Tell them you love them. Protect your children's innocence. Praise their successes and teach them to see the good in their failures.

Most of all, thank God for today. It may not be perfect, but it is His gift to you.

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