Friday, October 18, 2019

Boston, Part 3

We experienced real Fall this year. In the week we were in Boston, the colors visibly changed, and it was exciting for these desert rats! (and their mom)

Bunny who watched me loop the park a few times that morning

Tuesday morning I got up in the dark, laced on my running shoes, and spent a joyous 30 minutes looping the park, listening to my music, and LOVING fall. I snuck back into the apartment, grabbed my wallet, and walked a mile to Enterprise where I picked up our car for the one day we planned to leave the city. Even though there was traffic for some of the drive, we had a great discussion about the armor of God and Ephesians 6 before we turned DJ duties over to Micah. He provided us with some mellow fall music and some awesome car karaoke tunes. When we got out, Hyrum said, “I bet that will be my favorite part of the whole day.” I think he thought that even when the day was over!

I was so excited to show the kids Plimoth Plantation. I loved it last time I went, and I thought they would as well. They humored me.

We are direct descendants of the Billington family--first man tried for murder in the colony. I'm so proud.

They were nice about it and liked it, but they didn’t LOVE it.

And Micah got fed up with Eve’s obsession with gift shops. The weather was beautiful—no rain—and the fall colors were incredible.

They weren’t exaggerating when they claim New England has the most spectacular fall. We watched the leaves visibly change colors while we were there. We missed the peak changing, but it was glorious for us AZ desert dwellers.

Plymouth Rock is only a few miles from the plantation, so we had to see it. When we got out of the car, Hyrum ran up to it, looked down, and said, “That’s . . . underwhelming.” I don’t know what he expected, but he’s right. Oh well. History can only be so captivating, even for History Nerds like me.

Spending a week together gets annoying sometimes. Can you see Micah? He was up there for personal sanity reasons, I think.

It was an hour drive to Minute Man National Park in Lexington, but it was beautiful and really fun.

I think the kids loved being together in the car without being surrounded by hundreds of strangers on trains and busses and in public places. I forget that they’ve never experienced a city like that before.

The park was gorgeous, and after the 20-minute video, Hyrum begged to walk around and explore. I think he was convinced he’d find a Revolutionary War artifact, but he quickly gave up his search in favor of skipping rocks in the pond and breaking sticks over rocks.

There’s one thing AZ kids can never get enough of—and that’s really good sticks. They’re in short supply in the desert.
 Stopped at a farmer's market for New England apples and New England apple pie--Eve missed Cleo!

 And a quick selfie at the Boston temple

I wanted to squeeze in some more history, but they were DONE, even after I plied them with ice cream. So we headed back to the apartment after buying stuff for our last two dinners, watched a little of Saturday’s morning session of conference, and headed to bed.
As I walked back from turning in the rental car, Cambridge gifted me with an Arizona-worthy sunset.
It was a fantastic day with the people I love the most.

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